Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The kindness of strangers and signatures

In my efforts to update my blog I decided that I wanted to add a signature to each post.

I worked on the the design, sized it, got it ready for the web, uploaded it to the blog. Yhea, I could see it in the preview, looked pretty good, pressed apply and......nothing happened! Yikes, what did I do wrong? When through the instructions again redid the uploading....still nothing. I next looked the web for help. Checked out Google help page and posted a request for help. Still nothing seemed to work. In my search I found Marie Mosley  and her tutorial on how to add a signature to a blog. I sent a email to Marie last night and she answered me this morning having looked at my blog first. What she found was my signature just where it was supposed to be! Go figure!! I still can't see my signature when I am signed in but it can be seen by others. It impressed me to no end that Marie took the time to check out my blog and write to me. Thank you Marie. I would suggest checking out Marie's web site she has some great tutorials for bloggers.

1 comment:

  1. your blog now looks professional. Wonderfully designed, love your signature though I can only see it in this one post, not the others. Should it not be automatically displayed in all of them? Mine is automatic in my blog. Hmmmm.
