Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Catching up again

Ahhh...where has the time gone! It's already September and I've not had enough summer! The temperature has cooled down since last week and I needed to wear a sweater today when I went outside. The garden is still blooming away and some photo's will be posted soon.
I've been immersed in a design course led by Carina Gardner called the Art of Digital Design 2. Each day we are given a lesson most by video and at the end of each week we have an assignment to complete and hand in. Carina gives us feedback  written or oral.  My plan is to loosely work around a French country theme.

This is the result of my first weeks assignment.

And this is week 2 assignment almost ready to hand in. Carina's feed back has been so helpful and positive and I do feel I'm learn and improving.

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