It's been a month since I last posted and I'm surprised how
quickly the time has gone. I've been traveling again, a lovely visit to my friend Nola in LA. The weather was wonderful, I love the beaches and the mountains. I'm always surprised how many trees and bushes are in bloom when I visit. I am looking forward to my next visit.
Nola and I traveled to Long Beach for Quilt Market and Cloth Paper Scissor University. We had a terrific class with Judith Baker Montano in Landscapes and Seascapes. It has been many years since I last took a class with Judith and enjoyed it as much this time as I did in the past.
She is certainly an original, and very good teacher. If you ever get a chance to take a class with her jump at it. Quilt market was fun, lots of vendors and beautiful quilts to view.
I'll be spending the next several weeks at the cottage where we are going to be putting in a new kitchen. Hopefully it will go smoothly and only take a week as promised. I have a number of projects to work at while here and will be posting them as I finish.